Simplifying Modern Life.

Through Easy Organization.


Are you…..

  • a busy mom?

  • a retiree?

  • an empty nester?

  • a new home owner?

  • renovating?

  • preparing to sell your home?

  • preparing for your first baby?

I’m here to help overwhelmed families simplify modern living - with easy organization!


I want to help you get from overwhelmed to ORGANIZED.

I provide education, inspiration and in-home organizing for families who are feeling disorganized, overwhelmed with clutter and looking for a home (and routine) OVERHAUL.

My clients gain more than an organized space - they regain control over their home and their habits - and they are empowered to keep moving forward.

If you are ready to kick-start your home overhaul then you are in the right spot!

Blog Posts

Mary Ann K.

Hello Friend!

I’m Mary Ann (aka Find Your Gold)

I’m an overwhelmed working mom turned Professional Organizer.

I’m PASSIONATE about organized spaces, a world with less clutter and getting our clients from overwhelmed to organized.

I share/post/write about and LIVE FOR:

  • Organizing

  • Living with Less

  • Simplifying Modern Living

When I’m not creating functional spaces for our amazing clients, I love cooking meals that take less than ten minutes and organizing my fridge.

I am also passionate about my three VIPS: Scott, Leon & Annie-Rose.

And I’m DANG glad you’re here!


Check out my videos.

Follow along with me on YouTube as I share videos on simplifying motherhood through easy organization.

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