My Top 10 Tips for Decluttering
As a young adult I considered myself tidy and good at parting with things I no longer needed. I moved frequently and loved Rubbermaid bins and owned a label maker. Then I got pregnant. And pastel coloured plastic TOOK. OVER. MY. HOUSE.
All it takes is one baby shower and a couple of trips to WalMart and your main floor looks like a scene from one of Marie Kondo’s ‘before’ photos.
The last straw for me was when we no longer had any clear kitchen counter space for things like…..COOKING.
Once our second was born I became DILIGENT about the stuff in our house. I viewed every item as something that either made our life easier or made it harder. If it was the latter I tossed it, sold it or donated it. If you are looking to simplify your home and your schedule I highly recommend starting to reduce the amount of items in your home.
Here are my Top 10 Tips:
Start Easy
If cooking is your absolute favourite hobby or your photos from your childhood stir up intense emotions, leave your kitchen and photo boxes until later. Start with the QUICK AND EASY spots - the junk drawer, the car, your desk, or your kids’ sock drawers. Once you get started you will be motivated to move on to larger projects.
Set The Timer
Tell yourself you are going to commit 10 minutes to clearing out one area. Also, if you tend to ‘wander’ when it comes to purging, give yourself a specific task for those 10 minutes that you HAVE to finish.
Get Inspired
If you need a little push to get started try throwing on an episode of Tidying Up. Or try a YouTube video - check out the Minimal Mom or Beauty & The Beastons (extra bonus, their kids are adorable!). OR find social media accounts to follow that provide motivation.
Consider the Next Owner
If an item is going to be re-gifted, re-homed or donated, imagine the next owner enjoying, loving and using the item. Like actually imagine them finding it at the store and how excited they are. This one really works!
Create a Mantra
Find a saying or quote or meme that resonates with you and when you’re stuck repeat it in your head. For me it’s usually “if everything is important then nothing is important”. For inspo just search ‘Joshua Becker quotes’.
Do a Monthly Challenge
A monthly decluttering challenge is a GREAT way to kick start your journey. If you’re stuck, or if you are preparing to stage your home or move, or preparing for a new baby, a daily challenge will get you moving FAST. Check out our shop for challenge printables - or do a quick Google search - tons of options!
Box Up for 30 Days
This is my favourite trick for dealing with toys - or anything I’m on the fence about. During nap time I will grab up about a dozen toys or books and throw in a box which I hide in the basement or garage. If it doesn’t get touched for 30 days it’s gone (full disclosure: I don’t usually wait the full 30 days). See ya never Dora the Explorer!
My Hard & Fast Rule
If I haven’t used something in over a year and I can borrow it from a friend if I ever need it in the future then it’s GONE.
Manage The Intake
This is my polite way of saying STOP BUYING STUFF. Next week focus on trying to count the number of items that enter your home - like reeeally count them. Whether through purchases, gifts, garbage, hand-me-downs, school activities, work - anything. I bet you will be shocked. This knowledge alone will start to change your mindset.
“We can never fully know how much of a burden our possessions have become until we begin to remove them. ”
I hope these tips help you on your journey. One promise I have is that: Simplifying your home will instantly create a happier and more calm space - trust me!
I would love love loooove to see your wins (or challenges) - tag me on Instagram!
Mary Ann K. xo