How to Declutter Your Closet & Create a Simple Wardrobe that you LOVE


Overhauling my wardrobe has been one of the most satisfying areas to declutter.

Having a simple wardrobe:

  • Makes my day-to-day routine easier

  • Makes me feel more confident in my clothes

  • Has saved me a TON of time and money, by reducing the need to constantly shop for new

If you aren’t completely satisfied with the current state of your closet, I strongly suggest starting a mini overhaul (or a major one).


To get you started, here are my Top 20 Tips for Creating a Simple (Decluttered) Wardrobe that you absolutely LOVE:

1. Ignore The Rules

You may have read or heard rules about capsule wardrobes and the number of items you should own and what types of clothing you should buy - don’t let those rules stress you out! Everyone’s lives are completely different and our wardrobes are going to reflect that. A stay-at-home mom of 3 under 3 who lives on a dairy farm is going to require something completely different than a full-time high school teacher with two teenagers. If a “rule” doesn’t feel good to you, let it go and move on to one that does. Focus on what makes you FEEL good. Your closet, your rules!

2. When Starting to Declutter, Just Donate!

When you’re first starting to declutter, I suggest just donating - this is not a good time to stress yourself out about sorting or selling items. Attempting to organize 50 pieces of clothing from 1999 can be stressful and there is a good chance you’ll end up frustrated and want to give up. Once you’ve had lots of practice decluttering, THEN you can start to consider selling or consignment or researching specific organizations for donations. To start, however, I suggest the path of least resistance.

3. When Decluttering, Ask Yourself this ONE Question

When I’m deep in decluttering and I’m debating about a certain item, I ask myself one question - and it works 100% of the time - “Would I wear this right now?”. Let’s say you are debating about a special occasion dress, that you would wear to a wedding….imagine that you are about to leave for a wedding in an hour and you need something to wear. Would you put this dress on? Would you be pumped about wearing it? Or would you choose something else? If the answer is no - or if there is ANY hesitation - then that item can be let go. If you’re still unsure, put the item on and head out and see how you feel. By the end of the day you will know if it’s a keeper or not.

4. Don’t Try to Do it All at Once

If you are currently at a point where your wardrobe is three times larger than you realistically think it should be, I don’t suggest attempting to perfect it all in one day - unless you are part of a reality show (which sounds awesome!). But if it’s just you versus an overflowing dresser full of items you don’t even remember buying, then I suggest doing it in chunks. Try one drawer per week, or start with a certain category, like sweaters or jeans. Having small wins along the way will help build momentum.

5. Give Yourself Grace During Times of Transition

Our lives change many times over the course of a decade (or a few!) - cut yourself some slack! When you stumble upon items that you bought five years ago and have never worn - don’t beat yourself up over it. That was a different you. Pass those items along and focus on the person you are today.


6. When Adding Classic Pieces, Buy WELL

First of all, when I say “classic”, I mean items that YOU wear regularly. Which is different for everyone. This could be an amazing pair of jeans or a cute casual sundress. These are the items to buy higher, longer-lasting quality and potentially spend more on. In the end you will be SO much happier with what you have and will be less likely to crave new items.

7. When Adding Trendy Items, Get Creative

On the flip side of classic items, is the short-lived trendy items of the world. Ideally, we would all wear classics all day, everyday. However there is a good chance you may want to try a new trend or a new hobby that requires specific clothing. If you know deep down that there is a good chance you won’t wear these items forever, this is a great time to shop second-hand, borrow from a friend and get creative. Less money wasted + better for the planet - win win!

8. Start a Shopping List

When you get to a point where you feel comfortable with your wardrobe - it might not be perfect yet - but you’re confident that you’ve cleared out the un-used and un-loved….then it’s time to start a shopping list. Having an ongoing list of items that you need/want, will reduce the chance of impulse buys, leaving you right where you started - with a closet full of clothes that you don’t actually wear. Instead; keeping a list will ensure mindful purchases and leave you with a beautiful wardrobe that you can’t get enough of :))

9. Love the Crap Out of Your Clothes

As you’re parring down your wardrobe and starting to hone in on the items that you use and love the most, really focus on how much you love your clothes - especially your favourites. Bringing a sense of awareness and gratitude will remind you how much you have; leaving you feeling satisfied instead of always craving more.

10. Embrace The Repetition

I used to feel the need to constantly be wearing different clothes - but once I started to embrace repetition, I felt free! I realized that nobody was paying attention anyway; I got to wear my favourite clothes every single day; and spending less mental energy of deciding on outfits, left me with more time for things that I loved. Chances are you are wearing your favourites 80% of the time anyway. Life is too short to wear clothes that don’t light you up!


Ok friends - there are my favourite 10 tips and tricks. I hope this inspires you to cultivate a beautiful wardrobe that you absolutely adore - and to say goodbye to the clothes that are no longer serving you. Because you deserve it!

Happy Decluttering,

Mary Ann K. xo

p.s. for more inspo, check out my videos on decluttering my closet and decluttering kids’ clothes.


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