7 Books that Made Our Life Simpler (and better!)

Book recommendations for decluttering/simplifying is one of the MOST common questions that I get.

I’ve been hesitant to share this topic because I - surprisingly - haven’t read a ton of books specifically about decluttering.

Mainly because…

  1. We actually started simplifying life by paying off our debt - the physical clutter part just sort of snowballed from there.

  2. The majority of my reading over the past 6 years has been dinosaur picture books :)

HOWEVER I do have favourites that are GREAT inspiration for moving to a simpler, happier, more fulfilling journey here on earth.

A mix of personal finance, a slower scheduler and just a simpler life, overall.

My Top 7….

Slow by Brooke McAlory

My first “minimalist” book. I remember reading it during weekend nap times and devouring it. I remember it being a gentle but moving inspiration that felt so good and natural to me. She made me feel less crazy for wanting a life that looked different than the norm. And it made me want to create that for my family. Immediately.

Money Rules by Gail Vaz-Oxlade

My obsession with Gail Vaz-Oxlade started yearsss ago with Till Debt Do Us Part. If you’ve never seen it, go find old episodes on YouTube. Ugh, so great. Gail has written a ton of books but I loved this one especially because it was “list-y”, direct and made sense for our life at the time. Highly recomend if you’re looking to get a handle on your personal finances.

The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking

As the kids are saying these days…this book is a vibe. It inspired our winter candle-lit dinners and reminded me to appreciate the cold months here in Canada and the perks of slowing down. Reeeeal slow.

Pick Three by Randi Zuckerberg

This one is focused on time management and the basic concept that we can’t do it all. Or can we?? I read it right after returning to work after my second maternity leave - when I wondered how I could possibly keep up. Randi’s schedule and work demands were far beyond mine but still relatable. And the Pick Three concept is still something I remind myself of regularly when I’m feeling overwhelmed.

FairPlay by Eve Rodsky

This one’s also focused on time management - specifically, about the allocation of duties between spouses. Scott and I did this exercise last winter and it’s been life changing. I plan on writing a full blog post on this but if you’re struggling to find a fair balance of responsibilities in your house this is a great read.

Worry-Free Money by Shannon Less Simmons

I loved this one because it’s Canadian so the content was relevant for me. And because it’s a great read!

The Spender’s Guide to Debt-Free Living by Anne Newell Jones

Last one! This book inspired us to do our first Buy-Nothing month, while we were paying off our debt - and it completely changed our lives. I can honestly say that a spending freeze was probably the biggest move we made financially since getting married. If you’re looking to live with less, spending less is the perfect way to start!

NOTE: I found all of these gems in our small town library. No spending or added clutter to our home. Highly recommend.

Minimalist Books that I haven’t read but have heard that they’re really really good…..

Most importantly - focus on books that speak to YOU - and that give you more of those can’t-stop-smiling-life-has-never-been-this-awesome kind of days.

Because you deserve it.

Sending you inspiration for a simpler home and life, whatever that means to you xo

Mary Ann K. 

Toy Rotation: A How-To Guide


Organizing your home to improve your health