Our Daily Routine: Day in the Life of a Busy Family of Four
Two working parents. Two little kids. 24 hours in each day. It’s HAAAAARD.
Can I get an AMEN??!!
Here is a sneak peak into our daily routine - keep scrolling for the nitty gritty - and how we are learning to thrive in spite of the chaos.
Nine Truths behind our schedule….
Yes I’m an early riser. No I don’t necessarily recommend that for everyone.
I started getting up early because putting mascara on with 2 kids under 2 was not an option. BUT the routine sort of stuck and now I looove my mornings. I get ready in quiet and I choose one “task” to kick off my day.
This “task” varies a LOT - sometimes I do a quick workout, sometimes I write a blog, sometimes I read - always something that feels productive but that I ENJOY!
I am 10000% happier after this alone time.
Once the kids are up, mornings can be CHAOS. Scott leaves early so it’s just the kids and I.
Each morning I try to incorporate a 'pause' moment where we do one quiet activity together. Something SUPER simple - read a book, practice the alphabet, chat about dinosaurs - whatever! Sometimes it's 10 minutes, sometimes 90 seconds.
There’s just something about taking a step back that brings everyone down a notch.
Having a clutter-free space has been my #1 sanity-saver. After we had babies and our house exploded with primary-coloured-plastic objects my stress had NEVER been higher.
Since then we’ve slowly cleared out all the items that we don’t love and use.
We started with areas that we use the most - kitchen, bathroom and backdoor (our pseudo mudroom). Reducing the overwhelm of “stuff” as we move through our daily routine has been a complete game changer.
Monday to Friday are FULL. No extra time. My solution: PREP.
We do weekly prep and we do nightly prep….
Weekly Prep: All big chores are done on the weekend - meal prep, cleaning, lawn care, errands, etc. - so that during the week it allows us to focus on the day to day.
Nightly Prep: Each night before bed we re-set the house for the next day - backpacks out, breakfast set-up, dinner table set for the next night, clothes laid out for the morning, etc.
Knowing that we are prepared means that hiccups don’t throw us in to a frenzy. And that brings a HUGE sense of calm.
Once I had our schedule down, I added buffers. A lot of ‘em. Knowing that a last minute laundry emergency or potty training accident isn't going to push me over the edge is PEACE OF MIND.
When certain time blocks start to feel too rushed, we get up 10 minutes earlier, streamline a process or bring in help.
Example: allow 30 minutes for 3 year old to put on their winter boots - amiright?!?
“Either you run the day or the day runs you. You choose.”
Reflecting on our routine, I can’t help but mention the working mom guilt. Because it’s reaaalllll. And I know it isn’t specific to women who leave for work everyday.
I don’t think there is an easy answer to mom guilt. I think it’s a process. And it comes in ebbs and flows.
It’s taken me a few years to fully be at peace with working outside the house.
Do I feel guilty leaving them for work everyday? YES.
Do I LOVE going to work everyday? DOUBLE YES.
We started having dinner together after our youngest turned one - and we’ve never looked back. It’s one of my favourite parts of the day.
We choose dinner because that works for our schedule. But any time would work. Maybe it’s Sunday lunch, maybe it’s Saturday breakfast. Whenever.
And yes it’s usually a total mess and almost always includes crying - BUT there’s just something grounding about being around that table with the whole crew.
Yes I love family dinners. BUT…..the evening/bedtime routine is my kryptonite. Everyone is tired and cranky and NOBODY is in the mood to brush their teeth. Not even me.
I know I am at my lowest here so I give myself a ton of grace during these couple hours. I don’t add extra chores and I do everything I can to streamline and de-stress the routine.
We are SUPER grateful for all the perks that make our routine easier - school close to home, regular work hours and a small city. But these things aren’t an accident. We have designed our lives and made the big decisions based on how we wanted our life to look day-to-day.
During this busy season of life the daily grind takes up a HUGE part of our time.
Therefore my goals are always:
Maximize the EFFICIENCY of each moment.
Maximize the QUALITY of each moment.
Now that we have found a routine that works for us, we look for little tiny grains of magic and fun throughout the day. Because these are the moments that make it all worthwhile.
Everyone’s schedule, preferences and ages are completely different! Our schedule will look completely different in five years when we are running to soccer practice twice a week.
Just make sure you find a routine that brings you peace - once you’ve found it you will know! Follow that little voice inside you, it knows what it’s doing :))
Mary Ann K. xo